18 September 2006

Band Review / Interview
words: larissa quon

Okay, I’ll admit it. The Sounds’ debut record, Living in America has been the perpetual soundtrack for my solitary underwear dance parties for the past three years. Thank god that they just released , their sophomore follow-up with loads of potential for plenty of booty shaking nights. I was able to catch up with drummer Fredrik Nilsson as the band was taking a moment off from a six week US tour promoting the record.

Hi, Fredrik. How’s the tour going?
Frederick: It’s good. We’re only on our second day, but going great.

What was the most favorite show you've played so far and why?
F: When we opened for The Strokes in Mexico City, there were 17 – 18,000 people. Everyone was screaming their lungs out. It was really bizarre!

Wow! You have been dubbed by the press as notorious for your live shows. How do you prepare for getting into this high energy mindset?
F: Drinks. Loud music. We just get pumped up going on stage. We kind of explode. We like doing it so much that it’s just easy for us.

So then, what is the best show you have ever been to?
F: A few years ago I saw this German band, Kraftwerk at Coachella. This is a band I have liked a long time, and live, they are always good. At a rock festival, they really stand out.

You have passed through Austin a number of times now, including the recent SXSW. What is your favorite thing about the city?
F: Austin is a real music city. It’s a crazy city, which we like.

What is this difference between Austin fans and Swedish fans?

F: Austin fans are open-minded. They aren’t scared to see a band like us. Some cities are so conservative. They look at our setup with all our keyboards and size and think, “this is going to be bad,” but not Austin fans.

That’s right! So the new record, Dying to Say This to You has been said to have an edgier sound. How have you guys evolved since Living in America?

F: Living in America was our debut record. We had all the songs written for years, and we had played them so many times. This time we went into the studio with the songs not finished, but we had a long time and could write there. We also wanted to give it a more live sound.

How has your writing process changed since you guys first started out? Is there more or less pressure?
F: Well, there is more pressure, but we don’t feel the pressure. We are pretty good about pressuring ourselves. [Laughs]

Maybe you could name some under-recognized bands that music fans should pay more attention to.
F: Oh, this band from Sweden, The Change. They will have a record coming out in summer. They are a really great band.

information: Band Website

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