15 March 2007

Download the new print version of The Austin Independent (PDF)

The new print version of The Austin Independent is available all over Austin at the convention center (SXSW central), venues, coffee shops, boutiques, dayshows, after-parties, etc.

You can the download the PDF version of the full magazine.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dániel!

I work for an independent promotions company in Los Angeles called Kickstart Music. We've got a great band from Austria coming to play in Austin in June and I was thinking you might be interested in writing a preview for the concert.
The band's name is Lamexcuse and they'll be playing at Momo's on June 2nd. Here is their EPK so that you can get to know a bit about them and listen to some of their music.
It'd be awesome to get a preview of their show up on your website to rally all of their Austrian and German fans in the Austin area for their gig!

Thanks a lot!

Jordan Frand
Kickstart Music

urbansugar said...

Hi, can I get an email or phone number to contact someone at Austin Independent magazine?
